symphonic syncs

If you’re looking for a classical kick to your classic rock, look no further than these albums.



Orchestra: The London Philharmonic Orchestra
Album: Us and Them - Symphonic Pink Floyd
Discovered: Andrew C. Wendland
December 2004


Twilight Zone: The Movie

Orchestra: The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Album: Orchestral Maneuvers: The Music of Pink Floyd
Discovered: Andrew C. Wendland
April 9, 2005

Note: This album has been reissued as “Objects of Fantasy: The Music of Pink Floyd”, “Symphonic Pink Floyd”, “The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Plays Pink Floyd/One of These Days”. Regardless of the name, it should have this tracklist in order to properly watch the sync. Start the album as soon as Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Midnight Special” begins to play in the movie. This will happen either before the red WB logo appears or in the middle of the updated WB logo commonly plastered in most home re-releases.


The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Orchestra: The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Album: The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Plays the Music of Rush
Discovered: Andrew C. Wendland
January 2013

Note: Skip track 10 if using the 2021 reissue of the album.


